![Diseño De Paisajes Funcionales](https://www.campogis.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/2-campoGis-Capacitaciones-En-Monitoreo-ambiental.jpg)
Natural Resources Monitoring
We monitor natural resources systematically and repeatedly over time to identify baselines and evaluate changes.
- Biodiversity survey design.
- Development of flora and fauna monitoring programs
- Baselines and environmental diagnosis
- Long and medium term monitoring of the state of biodiversity (vegetation, beneficial insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals)
- Development of site-specific indicators (time space).
- Assessment of the state and trends of biodiversity.
- Structure of the communities and composition of the biota
- Measurement of biodiversity richness and rarity
- Structure of the communities and composition of the biota
- Assessment of anthropic disturbance (exotic species, endangered species)
- Species distribution models (habitat suitability)
- Preparation of certification reports